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GaN-on-SiC vs. GaN-on-Si: Emerging Opportunities and Market Dynamics in the RF GaN Industry
The RF GaN device market is projected to reach $2 billion by 2029, primarily driven by defense, SatCom, and telecom infrastructure applications. GaN-on-SiC currently dominates the market, while GaN-on-Si is maturing and could unlock new opportunities for RF GaN. Infineon has commercialized an 8" GaN-on-Si PA module for the telecom infrastructure market, while Global Foundries' partnership with Finwave aims to develop GaN-on-Si technology for the FR3 handset market. The question remains: will GaN-on-Si compete with GaN-on-SiC, or will it create new market opportunities that GaN-on-SiC does not address?