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On the Advanced Use of Space Mapping Techniques with Passive Microwave Components for Space Applications (in grateful memory of Prof. Bandler)
Passive microwave components (e.g. waveguide filters and multiplexers, as well as circuitry in planar technology) are widely used in the output (high-power) and input stages of satellite communication payloads. Their accurate design, including post-manufacture tuning (due to mechanical tolerances and reconfiguration needs), are key tasks for shortening (and reducing costs of) the whole development-cycle of such high-frequency equipment. To cope successfully with all these practical aspects, several Space Mapping (SM) techniques have been proposed, thus helping to provide advanced solutions with reasonable human and time efforts. Technical University of Valencia (UPV), in close cooperation with Prof. Bandler and collaborators (Prof. Rayas-Sánchez), has actively contributed to the practical application of SM-based techniques with high-frequency passive components. This talk will review the major results of such past activities, and the future trends of Prof. Bandler’s legacy on computer-aided engineering and tuning of microwave hardware for satellite communications.