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60 Mbps Time-Domain Video Transfer using Body Communication
With the rapid advancement in the field of the Internet of Bodies, there is a need for low-power communication modality between the IoB nodes and hubs. While widely adopted communication modalities like Bluetooth and WiFi suffer from suboptimal energy efficiency of 10-100 nJ/bit, voltage mode human body communication provides promising energy efficiency of 10-100 pJ/bit. However, it suffers from a reduced voltage resolution at the receiver due to channel attenuation, requiring higher receiver sensitivity and, subsequently, higher receiver power. From the human body channel response, the timing information is observed to be preserved < 20MHz because of the wideband nature of the human body. Exploiting this, we demonstrate information encoded in the time domain as a pulse-width varying waveform communicated through the human body. We demonstrate a 60 Mbps communication channel capacity and transmit a video through the human body with a framewise SSIM of 0.9791 for machine-to-machine communication scenario.