DeltaDPD: Exploiting Dynamic Temporal Sparsity in Recurrent Neural Networks for Energy-Efficient Wideband Digital Predistortion

Digital Predistortion (DPD) is a promising technique to enhance signal quality in wideband RF power amplifiers (PAs). With increasing bandwidth and data rates, DPD faces significant energy consumption challenges during deployment, contrasting with its efficiency goals. State-of-the-art DPD models rely on recurrent neural networks (RNN), whose computational complexity hinders system efficiency. This paper introduces DeltaDPD, exploring the dynamic temporal sparsity of input signals and neuronal hidden states in RNNs for energy-efficient DPD, reducing arithmetic operations and memory accesses while preserving satisfactory linearization performance. Applying a TM3.1a 200MHz-BW 256-QAM OFDM signal to a 3.5 GHz GaN Doherty RF PA, DeltaDPD achieves -50.03 dBc in Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR), -37.22 dB in Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE) and -38.52 dBc in Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) with 52% temporal sparsity, leading to a 1.8X reduction in estimated inference power. The DeltaDPD code will be released after publication.