A Compact 8.2 mW Complementary Current-Reusing D-Band Frequency Quadrupler in 22 nm FDSOI CMOS

This paper presents a complementary current-reusing (CCR) quadrupler in the D-band frequency range realized in a 22 nm FDSOI CMOS technology operating at 144 –169 GHz. The circuit is based on the CCR push-push frequency doubler (CCR-PPFD) without the use of a subsequent output power amplifier (PA). By developing an analytical design flow, the transistor sizes were optimized to achieve a high total power efficiency of 2.4 % and a DC power consumption of only 8.2 mW. The occupied active area excluding pads is 0.046 mm². To the best of the authors’ knowledge this is the first frequency quadrupler reporting a PMOS/NMOS current reusing multiplier stage operating at D-band frequencies.