A 24 GHz Power Amplifier with a Switching Output Combiner for a Dual-mode MIMO Radar System

This paper presents a versatile 24 GHz power amplifier (PA) tailored for high-performance MIMO radar systems, enabling seamless operation across both Binary Phase Modulation (0-π BPM) and Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) modes. Featuring an innovative switching output combiner, the PA dynamically adapts to TDM mode by combining transmitted power, achieving equivalent transmitter output power (PT) for both TDM and 0-π BPM in ideal, lossless conditions. The proposed PA demonstrates impressive metrics, delivering 15 dBm Psat in TDM mode and 13.5 dBm Psat in 0-π BPM mode, thus boosting data throughput, signal integrity, and power efficiency across applications.