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KEYNOTE: Accurate Materials’ Testing as an Enabler for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Industries
This talk will summarise the performed work and recent results, and feature: • the instruments and methods for materials’ characterization, developed and commercialized by QWED, • the results of round-robin benchmarking covering the techniques by QWED as well as other vendors, performed by consortia assembled by the Electronics Manufacturing Initiative, e.g. [2], comprising material developers, electronics’ manufacturers, vendors of test equipment, academia, and standards’ institutes, • computational modeling examples, which illustrate the physics behind the considered material testing methods and serve to interpret correlations between the most popularly used testing instruments, • new applications of the above methodologies pursued in the European Horizon (MMAMA, NanoBat), M-ERA.NET (ULTCC6G_EPac, I4Bags), and EUREKA-Eurostars (5G_Foil) projects.