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Wideband 3-W GaAs MMIC Doherty PA with Stacked Devices and Load Variation Tolerance under 2.5:1 VSWR
This paper presents a 3-W GaAs fully integrated multi-stage Doherty power amplifier designed for wideband 5G FR1 applications. The amplifier utilizes a balanced configuration of two Doherty cells, with stacked devices implemented in both the driver and final stages. Experimental results show a saturated output power exceeding 34.7 dBm across the 3.3–5.0 GHz frequency range, maintaining a gain of 20 dB. The amplifier achieves a power-added efficiency greater than 25% at 6 dB output back-off and over 30% at saturation across the entire band. The performance well compares with the state of the art, both in continuous wave and with wideband modulated signals. Tolerance to load variations is demonstrated under 2.5:1 VSWR.