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220-GHz High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers in 250-nm and 130-nm InP HBT Technologies Having 14.4–25.0% PAE and 40–60mW Pout
We report two 220-GHz solid-state power amplifiers (PA, SSPA) having high output power (Pout) and record power-added-efficiency (PAE). The first amplifier (PA-1) uses a 250-nm InP HBT technology. The S21 gain is 19.6-dB. DC power dissipation is 230-mW (PDC). From 215–225 GHz, the saturated output power Psat is 35.9–41.2 mW (1.12–1.29 W/mm RF power density) with 7.2–7.5 dB gain and peak 12.5–14.4% PAE. The 5-dB gain compression Pout (OP5dB) at 220-GHz is 29.7-mW with 12.4% PAE. PA size is 0.264-mm². The second amplifier (PA-2) uses a 130-nm InP HBT technology. The S21 gain is 14.8-dB. PDC is 156-mW. From 217.5–225 GHz, Psat is 45–50 mW (1.41–1.56 W/mm) with 6.2–7.2 dB gain and peak 25.0% PAE. The OP5dB at 220-GHz is 47.2-mW with 25.0% PAE. At an elevated HBT bias voltage, higher Pout is demonstrated but with small reductions to PAE. PA size is 0.192-mm². This work represents world-class, high-efficiency solid-state power from two InP HBT technology nodes, where record 25% PAE with 46-mW Pout is demonstrated at 220-GHz.