Extended D-Band Low-Noise-Amplifier MMICs Based on a 50-nm Metamorphic HEMT Technology

In this paper, two LNA MMICs in a 50-nm mHEMT technology extending the D-band (110 – 170 GHz) are demonstrated. The optimization of the matching networks in D-band for lowest noise and high gain is discussed. LNA1 utilizes a grounded co-planar waveguide environment with 30μm ground-to-ground spacing, while LNA2 is investigating how the noise can be improved by using a lower loss input matching network with 50μm ground-to-ground spacing. LNA1 achieves an average in-band gain of 27.7 dB over a broad bandwidth of 96 – 168 GHz, with an average noise temperature of 343 K (3.4 dB noise figure). LNA2 operates between 98–170 GHz with an average small-signal gain of 25.4 dB and an measured average noise temperature of 325K (3.2 dB) between 107–170 GHz. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the lowest noise performance demonstrated over the full D-band by an LNA at room temperature.