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A Novel Q-Choked Sapphire Sandwiched Resonator for Wide-Band Measurements of Flat Dielectric Samples
A novel Q-Choked Sapphire Sandwiched Resonator (Q-SSR) is designed, fabricated, and validated for fast and non destructive testing of materials between upper microwave and lower mm-Wave frequencies. It combines the advantages of the recently proposed Q-Choked SCR, where the choke ensures a spectrum of pure TE0np modes, with the dielectric focussing properties of SPDRs, which increase sensitivity and decrease losses in cavity walls. A Q-SSR prototype operating at seven modes in the 12-30 GHz band is applied to reference samples defined in industrial benchmarking initiatives. It produces complex permittivity results in excellent agreement with SCR, SPDR, and FPOR techniques, at a competitve effort.