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A >22 GS/s, 44 dB SNDR Wideband 4x4 Time-Interleaved Sampling Front-End with Bulk-Driven Mismatch Calibration in 22 nm FDSOI
This paper presents an ultra-wideband time-interleaving(TI) front-end(FE) sampler in 22nm FDSOI CMOS.
It includes an isolating FE-buffer driving 4 time-interleaved samplers and 2nd-level buffers operating at fs/4, each feeding 4 sub-Track-and-Holds (T&H) at fs/16. A low-jitter multi-phase on-chip clock-generator (σrms ≈40fs), fed by a single differential reference clock, supports sampling speeds up to 32GS/s resulting in an SNR of 48dB at fin=16GHz. The FE incorporates on-chip TI time-skew and bandwidth mismatch-calibration, while gain and offset mismatches are digitally calibrated off-chip. It achieves a peak SFDR of 54/49dBc and
SNDR of 46/44dB for low and Nyquist frequencies at fs=22GS/s, while maintaining SFDR/SNDR above 38/35 dB at fs=32GS/s up to Nyquist. The on-chip time-skew calibration improves the SFDR by up to 16dB. In addition, a novel bulk-node calibration technique addressing bandwidth mismatch is tested. The sampler
operates from a triple supply (1.2V/0.9V/-0.6V), consuming only 116 & 142mW at 22 & 32GS/s, respectively.