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300-GHz-Band InP HBT Power Amplifier Module Enabling 280-Gbps 0-dBm Signal Generation with Digital Predistortion
This paper presents a 300-GHz-band power amplifier (PA) module implementing a PA integrated circuit (IC) fabricated in 250-nm indium phosphide (InP) double-heterojunction bipolar transistor (DHBT) technology. The PA module achieved a maximum gain of 30 dB, maintaining over 20 dB gain across the 220 to 310 GHz range, with a saturated output power of 9.1 dBm. We applied a spectral digital predistortion (DPD) method to compensate for the distortion of the PA module and achieved a 280 Gbps (35 GBaud 256QAM) signal generation at 0 dBm output power, which is the highest data rate reported in the 300 GHz band.