A 6.5 to 9 GHz IEEE 802.15.4/4z Compatible IR-UWB SoC capable of handling -22 dBm WiFi-5 or -24 to -17 dBm LTE blocker levels

This work presents a single-die IEEE 802.15.4/4z compliant impulse-radio ultra-wideband SoC chip that supports single-sided & double-sided two-way ranging, time difference of arrival (TDoA) & phase difference of arrival (PDoA) ranging and IR-UWB radar. The transceiver includes two stand-alone receiver (Rx) chains and one combined transmit & receive (TRx) chain, which can interface with four antennas to improve diversity. The maximum transmit peak power is 15 dBm or higher across the UWB bands from 6.5 to 9 GHz (Ch5 to Ch12). The Rx sensitivity is -96 to -94.5 dBm (6.81 Mb/s and <1% PER) and -103 to -101 dBm (850 kb/s and <1% PER) across the UWB channels. Receivers show 3 dB de-sense for WiFi-5 blocker levels of -22 dBm or LTE blocker levels of -24 to -17 dBm. The chip is fabricated in 28 nm CMOS technology with a radio size of 4.47 mm2.