A Low-Power D-Band Radar Transceiver with TL-MCR Matching Technique and Output Phase Shifting

This paper proposes a D-band frequency-modulation-contiguous wave (FMCW) radar transceiver with two transmitters (TX) and two receivers (RX) fabricated in 28nm CMOS. Transmission-line magnetic-coupled resonator (TL-MCR) matching technique in local-oscillator (LO) distributor enhances the gain and reduces power consumption. D-band phase shifters are integrated into transmitters to support precise output phase shifting. The transceiver achieves a 7.6dB noise figure, 67dB conversion gain (CG), 13.3dB output saturation power and 14.3% drain efficiency with 360° phase shifting under 285mW power consumption per one transmitter and one receiver operation.