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A 126 – 137 GHz Regenerative Frequency Shifter in 22 nm FDSOI
This paper presents the concept of a regenerative D-band frequency shifter. The circuit can be viewed as an extension of the Miller fractional frequency generator. As opposed to the second-order Miller modulator, we propose an architecture based on two mixers. By choice of the bandpass networks, providing loop gain, and enforcing loop phase conditions for the wanted harmonic component, one can suppress the unwanted harmonics and
support the loop oscillation at desired frequency. The output signal is only present when an input is applied. The main
harmonic at the output fOUT follows the input frequency fIN as fOUT=fIN+fOFFSET. The amplifiers in the feedforward path provide high gain and bandpass filtering around 120-140GHz. One application of the circuit is as a low-power alternative to a fractional multiplier for generation of narrowband carrier frequencies in the LO chain. To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the first dynamic frequency-shifter in D-band.