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A 11.5mW FR3 Passive Mixer-First Receiver Front End Achieving 4.2dB NF and -5dBm B1dB
This work presents a low power, high dynamic
range passive mixer-first receiver for the proposed 6G FR3
band. The proposed architecture achieves high performance at
low power by directly driving the mixers with harmonically
enhanced (HE) waveforms generated by a class F−1 quadrature
oscillator. Additionally, an overlap suppression front-end (FE)
network is implemented that enables a wide range of mixer biases
for optimal performance resulting in a more robust design to
process and voltage variations. The 12.3-14.5GHz prototype is
implemented in a FinFet process exhibiting a 4.2dB noise figure
(NF), -5dBm Blocker 1dB (B1dB) compression point, and 6dBm
out-of-band (OOB) third order input intercept point (IIP3) with
a total power consumption of 11.5mW while occupying 0.28mm^2