Field, Device and Circuit Tech.
This session will present the latest advances in switching technologies for innovative RF and millimeter-wave circuits. The session will highlight ultra low-loss MEMS switches for high-speed communication systems, wideband CMOS integrated PCM devices. The session will cover BST and PCM based variable capacitors, with super high dynamic range and high-Q. New sub-THz waveguide integrated switches with optical control will also be presented, along with piezoelectric material based modulators.
The session covers multi-Gbps transmitter and receiver building blocks and systems for photonics, wireline, and wireless applications. The session starts with a fully integrated silicon photonic transmitter, followed by an IQ modulator for coherent optical systems. The remaining papers are two sampling front ends, a wireline transmitter, and a D-band phase shifter for phased array antennas.
This session presents novel receiver front-end designs, showcasing innovations in LNAs, phase shifters, and broadband receivers.