MTT-S T-Shirt Design Competition


Prize: $500 USD

Who May Enter: Any current MTT-S Member

How to Enter: Entries may be submitted electronically. Click here to submit your entry.

Deadline: All entries must be submitted by midnight Hawaii time on 1 May 2024.- Deadline has passed

Judging: Entries will be reviewed and a winner will be selected by a panel of judges. 


  • The t-shirt design cannot duplicate another existing design or other IEEE society elements/branding.
  • This contest is for the t-shirt design only, the existing IEEE MTT-S logo, tagline and branding colors cannot be changed.
  • The winning entry will:
    • Reflect the mission and vision of the MTT-S
    • Be inclusive of all MTT-S Members
    • Show a passion and investment in MTT-S

Official Contest Rules and Information: Click here to review