Voice of the Founder Industry Panel Session

Tuesday, 18 June 2024
MicroApps Theater, Booth 2159
11:00 - 12:00

Voice of the Founder

Past and present founders share insights, investor due diligence is unraveled, and the art of pitching and storytelling is explored. Hear directly from Startup Founders at various stages of their journey; from early stage through generating revenue, to successfully exiting and launching new startups.


  - James Buckwalter, Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer, PsuedolithIC, Inc.

  - Chris Marki, CEO and Chief Technologist, Marki Microwave


  - Paul Blount, Founder of Custom MMIC (acquired by Qorvo)

  - Harish Krishnaswamy, Founder of MixComm (acquired by Sivers)

  - Gabriel Rebeiz, Founder of Spectrabeam (acquired by Renasas) and ExtremeWaves

  - John Richardson, Founder of XMicrowave (acquired by Quantic Electronics)

Reception to follow in the StartUp Networking Lounge