IMS2025 TPRC will recommend a number of high-quality papers (estimated 50 papers) for MWTL editorial review. The corresponding authors will receive email invitations to submit their IMS papers to the MWTL special issue on "Top IMS2025 Papers" to be published in June 2025.
If authors choose to take part in the special issue, an updated MWTL paper must be submitted before a fixed deadline and must address all technical comments from the TPRC and the MWTL editorial board.
To assure a smooth transition from the submitted IMS paper to a potential MWTL paper without loss of content/quality with regard to the accepted IMS paper for the MWTL Special Issue on IMS2025, the submitted paper must adhere to the following “four pages maximum, where the second column of the last page can only contain references and acknowledgements.”
In addition, every paper published in the Special Issue, must contain the following footnote: “This article was presented at the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2025), San Francisco CA, USA, June 15–20, 2025”.
Those papers that do not comply will be included in the IMS2025 Proceedings. The selected IMS papers will continue through one short standard MWTL review cycle (not double-blind review). Any rejected papers will revert to the IMS2025 Proceedings.
The accepted IMS papers will be published as the MWTL Special Issue "Top IMS2025 Papers" in IEEExplore with a citation to the IMS presentations.
The IMS proceedings in IEEExplore will not include the selected MWTL papers but a list of these papers to indicate their publication in the MWTL Special Issue.
The authors of MWTL Special Issue can further extend the work to the T-MTT Special Issue, provided that sufficient new technical materials are added.