RFIC Technical Sessions



Giuseppe Gramegna
Magnus Wiklund

In this session five mm-wave integrated transmitters, receivers, phase arrays suitable for wireless communication and sensing are presented. The session starts with a 60GHz positive-feedback-based transmitter front-end with a maximum 22.8% PAE in 28nm bulk CMOS for inter-satellite communications. The second paper reports A Ka-band 8-element 4-Beam transmitter front-end with hybrid VGA and symmetrical transformer-based Doherty PA. The third paper describes a 32-element 25.8–30.8GHz phased-array CMOS transmitter with programable temperature compensation technique that achieves ±0.002dB/°C gain variation across -60-to-85°C. The fourth paper demonstrates a 45nm SOI 5G blocker-tolerant mm-wave MIMO receiver with up to 41dB spatial notch filtering. Final paper of the session reports a 56–65GHz FMCW radar transceiver with 7.8dB NF and 8GHz chirp-bandwidth in 65nm CMOS.

RMo1A-1: A 60-GHz Positive-Feedback-Based Transmitter Front-End with 22.8% PAEmax in 28-nm Bulk CMOS for Inter-Satellite Communications
(08:00 - 08:20)
RMo1A-2: A Ka-Band 8-Element 4-Beam Transmitter Front End With Hybrid VGA and Symmetrical Transformer-Based Doherty PA
(08:20 - 08:40)
RMo1A-3: A 32-Element 25.8-to-30.8GHz Phased-Array CMOS Transmitter with Programable Piecewise Linear Temperature-Compensation Technique Achieving ±0.002dB/°C Gain Variation Across -60-to-85°C
(08:40 - 09:00)
RMo1A-4: A Blocker-Tolerant mm-Wave MIMO Receiver with Spatial Notch Filtering Using Non-Reciprocal Phase-Shifters for 5G Applications
(09:00 - 09:20)
RMo1A-5: A 56–65GHz Highly-Integrated FMCW Radar Transceiver with 7.8dB NF and 8GHz Chirp-Bandwidth in 65-nm CMOS
(09:20 - 09:40)
Frédéric Gianesello
Harshpreet Bakshi
Texas Instruments

This session is dedicated to advances in Silicon and III-V technologies enabling innovative mmW IC design ultimately leveraging advanced packaging including heterogeneous integration strategies to develop next generation mmW systems. The first paper of the session will describe a wideband 5G FR2 5G FEM in 150-nm GaN on SiC technology. The second paper will then extend III-V technology capability by proposing an innovative heterogeneous integration with Silicon technology. The third paper focuses on advanced packaging by presenting a high performance glass interposer targeting D-band mmW system. The fourth paper presents advances in Silicon technologies by introducing an innovative LDMOS device in 22-nm FD SOI technology targeting Wi-Fi power amplifiers, while the fifth and final paper will complement this update on PA design by introducing an innovative wideband directional coupler design achieved in RF SOI technology.

RMo1B-1: A 24-30 GHz GaN Front-End MMIC with Coupled-Resonator based Transmit/Receive Switch for 5G Millimeter-Wave Applications
(08:00 - 08:20)
RMo1B-2: Heterogeneously-Integrated Gallium Nitride and Indium Phosphide Devices for Ka-Band Amplifiers
(08:20 - 08:40)
RMo1B-3: A G-Band Glass Interposer Technology for the Integration of an Amplified Noise Source Based on SiGe BiCMOS 55-nm Technology
(08:40 - 09:00)
RMo1B-4: A 22FDX Wi-Fi PA Demonstrating a New LDMOS Device with 10V Breakdown Achieving Output Power of 29.5dBm at 40% PAE
(09:00 - 09:20)
RMo1B-5: A Reconfigurable Compact Multiband RF Bi-Directional Coupler for Sub-6GHz RF Front-Ends in RF SOI CMOS Switch Technology
(09:20 - 09:40)
Pierluigi Nuzzo
Univ. of Southern California
Yao-Hong Liu

This session provides an overview of the latest advances in RF systems for low-power sensing and 5G applications. It features a self-reconfigurable RF energy harvesting system with voltage regulation and wide power dynamic range as well as a compact RFSOI CMOS 5G phased array transceiver with outstanding TX average output power performance and RX noise figure. The session then introduces a novel RF sensing system with enhanced linearity and dynamic range for microplastic detection followed by a record harmonic-rejection-ratio frequency quadrupler for 5G applications and a time-division power and data transfer system for wirelessly powered biopotential sensing.

RMo1C-1: A 2.4GHz, -19 dBm Sensitivity RF Energy Harvesting CMOS Chip with 51% Peak Efficiency and 24dB Power Dynamic Range
(08:00 - 08:20)
RMo1C-2: A 45nm RFSOI CMOS-Based 24.25–29.5GHz 2×16-Channel Phased-Array Transceiver IC for 5G NR Applications
(08:20 - 08:40)
RMo1C-3: A Fully Integrated Microplastic Detection SoC with 0.1–3GHz Bandwidth and 35dB Dynamic Range for Narrow-Band Notch RF MEMS Sensor System
(08:40 - 09:00)
RMo1C-4: A 21–27-GHz Frequency Quadrupler in 0.13µm SiGe BiCMOS with 0-dBm POUT and 40-dBc HRR for Wideband 5G Applications
(09:00 - 09:20)
RMo1C-5: Design of a Dual-Mode Coil-Reuse Data Acquisition System for Miniaturized Wirelessly Powered Biopotential Sensing Nodes
(09:20 - 09:40)


Abhishek Agrawal
Andrea Bevilacqua
Università di Padova

This session presents a variety of techniques for mm-wave and RF circuits. The papers report bi-directional front-ends and integrated TRSW-LNA-PA for 5G and SATCOM communications, along with a J-band TX/RX chipset and a variable attenuator for power detection applications.

RMo2A-1: A Compact Ka-Band Bi-Directional PA-LNA with 17.4-dBm Psat Using Three-Stack Power Amplifier in 28-nm CMOS
(10:10 - 10:30)
RMo2A-2: A Reconfigurable Ultra Compact Bi-Directional Amplifier with a Build-in-Self Notch Filter for K/Ka-Band Satellite Communication
(10:30 - 10:50)
RMo2A-3: Fully Integrated SiGe HBT BiCMOS Transmit-Receive Front-End IC for 5G mmW Radio with a Reconfigurable Built-In Diode RF Switch
(10:50 - 11:10)
RMo2A-4: Non-Coherent TX-RX Chipsets for J-Band Communication in 16-nm FinFET CMOS
(11:10 - 11:30)
RMo2A-5: A ΣΔ-Modulated Linear-in-dB Attenuator for On-Chip Power Detection with 0.12dB Resolution in RF SOI CMOS Switch Technology
(11:30 - 11:50)
Andrea Mazzanti
Università di Pavia
Bichoy Bahr
Texas Instruments

This session presents advances in VCO performance, employing multi-mode, multi-core architectures, and Impulse Sensitivity Function (ISF) shaping. The first two papers extend frequency tuning range with multi-mode architectures. The third paper reduces phase noise in a triple-push, triple-core DCO for V-band operation. The fourth paper achieves record phase noise reduction in CMOS by combining series resonance in a multi-core architecture. Finally, the last paper demonstrates improved phase noise through ISF shaping with a multi-tank topology.

RMo2B-1: An Octave Tuning Range Quad-Core VCO Using a Compact Quad-Mode Transformer-Based Inductor
(10:10 - 10:30)
RMo2B-2: An 18.5-to-36.5GHz 206.8dBc/Hz FoMT Quad-Core Triple-Mode VCO with Automatic-Mode-Tracking Output Buffers
(10:30 - 10:50)
RMo2B-3: A 52.3-to-67.3GHz 35.8-kHz-Resolution Triple-Push DCO Exploiting Source-Combining Technique for Third-Harmonic Enhancement Achieving 196.4dBc/Hz Peak FoMT at 10MHz Offset
(10:50 - 11:10)
RMo2B-4: An 11GHz 8-Core Series Resonance CMOS VCO with Scalable Ring-Coupling Scheme Achieving Phase Noise of -136.8dBc/Hz at 1MHz Offset
(11:10 - 11:30)
RMo2B-5: A K-Band Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Gate-Drain Phase Shift Achieving 110kHz 1/f³ Corner
(11:30 - 11:50)
Chun-Huat Heng
National Univ. of Singapore
Justin Wu

This session presents novel techniques for energy efficient performance enhancements to wireless transmitters and receivers. The first paper presents an IoT transmitter employing amplitude and phase calibration to improve harmonic rejection, followed by techniques to improve receiver blocker tolerance using novel N-path mixer-first front-end topologies. An energy-efficient polar receiver based on a phase tracking architecture capable of amplitude demodulation is then presented, followed by a phase noise canceling receiver.

RMo2C-1: A Sub-6GHz Wideband Transmitter with LO Harmonic Rejection RF Front-Ends Using Frequency-Adaptive Calibration
(10:10 - 10:30)
RMo2C-2: An 11.8mW 0.4-to-2.6GHz Blocker-Tolerant Receiver with LO Duty-Cycle Compensation and High-Q Selectivity Achieving +15.4/19.2dBm OB-IIP3 at 10/80MHz Offset
(10:30 - 10:50)
RMo2C-3: A 2.8–4.3GHz Simultaneous Dual-Carrier Transformer-Coupled Passive Mixer-First Receiver Front-End Supporting Blocker Suppression
(10:50 - 11:10)
RMo2C-4: A 2.3nJ/b 32-APSK Polar Phase-Tracking Receiver with Two-Point Injection Technique
(11:10 - 11:30)
RMo2C-5: A 0.77mW 1.84nJ/Bit Phase Noise Canceling Receiver for QAM and OFDM and Cellular IoT
(11:30 - 11:50)


Jane Gu
Univ. of California, Davis
Gernot Hueber
United Micro Technology

In this session five papers on mm-wave power amplifiers are presented. The session starts with a 60GHz PA in FDSOI CMOS with 42.3% PAE. The second paper presents a three-way combining wideband PA to achieve high backoff efficiency without load modulation. The third paper demonstrates a 22–44GHz Doherty PA with 3:1 VSWR variation tolerance. The fourth paper presents a true power detector scheme to achieve >33dB dynamic range. The last paper demonstrates a dual-mode PA to support sub-6GHz and mm-wave for 5G FR1 and FR2, respectively.

RMo3A-1: A Class-J/F 60GHz Power Amplifier with 42.3% Power Added Efficiency in FDSOI CMOS
(13:30 - 13:50)
RMo3A-2: A 25–40GHz Three-Way Power Amplifier with No Load Modulation Achieving Broadband Deep Power Back-Off Efficiency Enhancement
(13:50 - 14:10)
RMo3A-3: A 22–44GHz 28nm FD-SOI CMOS 5G Doherty Power Amplifier with Wideband PAE6dBPBO Enhancement and 3:1 VSWR Resiliency
(14:10 - 14:30)
RMo3A-4: A 25–31GHz Compact True Power Detector with >33dB Dynamic Range in 40nm Bulk CMOS
(14:30 - 14:50)
RMo3A-5: A Compact Dual-Mode CMOS Power Amplifier Covering both Sub-6GHz and mm-Wave Bands for 5G NR
(14:50 - 15:10)
Fa Foster Dai
Auburn Univ.
Salvatore Finocchiaro

This session presents recent advances in RF and mm-wave frequency multiplication techniques. The session starts with two papers on inductorless wideband frequency doubler and multiplier designs, followed by two injection-locking frequency tripler and multiplier designs. Lastly, we present an mm-wave frequency tripler with power combining and harmonic shaping techniques.

RMo3B-1: A 0.2–25GHz Inductorless Complementary Pseudo-Push-Push Frequency Doubler
(13:30 - 13:50)
RMo3B-2: A Compact D-Band Multiply-by-9 Frequency Multiplier with Inductor-Less Active Balun in 16nm p-FinFET Technology
(13:50 - 14:10)
RMo3B-3: A 17.4–26.4-GHz Dual-Injection Injection-Locked Frequency Tripler Featuring Low Power Consumption and High Harmonic Rejection
(14:10 - 14:30)
RMo3B-4: A 278–348GHz 6th Harmonic Injection Locking Frequency Multiplier Based on 3rd Harmonic Injection Locking Oscillator in 130nm SiGe Process
(14:30 - 14:50)
RMo3B-5: A 192–229GHz Frequency Tripler with 4.4dBm Output Power Using Slotline-Based Drain Harmonic Shaping Technique in 40nm CMOS
(14:50 - 15:10)
Emanuel Cohen
Hao Gao
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

This session covers several innovations in the design of components for phased arrays. The first three papers present phased array receivers achieving high resolution and demonstrating accurate phase-shifter and multibeam capabilities up to the W-band. The last two papers showcase additional crucial components by presenting a high-linearity VGA and a reconfigurable front-end for 5G.

RMo3C-1: A 16-Channel W-Band Phased-Array Receiver with a 8-Bit Octant Selector and Reflection-Type Phase Shifter of 0.23°/0.21-dB RMS Phase and Gain Error for ±30° Scanning Angle
(13:30 - 13:50)
RMo3C-2: A K-Band 4-Element 8-Beam Phased-Array Receiver with Hybrid Vector Interpolation and Impedance-Adapted Multibeam Combining Techniques for Satellite Communications
(13:50 - 14:10)
RMo3C-3: A Frequency Reconfigurable Phased-Array Front-End with Enhanced Image-Rejection and High-Resolution LO Phase Shifter for 5G FR2 n258/n260/n261 Bands
(14:10 - 14:30)
RMo3C-4: A 10:1 Bandwidth 2.5–25GHz Multi-Standard High-Linearity 6-Bit Phased-Array Receiver Front-End with Quad-Pole I/Q Network and 2.7° RMS Phase Error
(14:30 - 14:50)
RMo3C-5: A 26.5–35GHz High Linearity VGA with an RMS Phase Error of 0.9°–2.8° Utilizing a Novel Hybrid Coupling Technique in 45RFSOI
(14:50 - 15:10)


Alexandre Giry
Hyun-Chul Park

This technical session focuses on addressing the demands of next-generation high-speed communication, high-resolution radar/imaging, and sensing applications, which necessitate high-power (>15dBm) and high-efficiency power amplifiers (PAs) operating at D-band frequencies and above (>100GHz). The session will delve into the design challenges associated with achieving improved output power, efficiency, linearity, and bandwidth in high-performance silicon-based PAs, utilizing technologies such as SOI CMOS and SiGe. The first paper presents a high Pout and efficient PA operating at 130–151GHz, implemented in 22nm FD-SOI technology. It features a fully differential 8-way power combining network, enhancing Pout, and linearity. The subsequent two papers present advanced architectures and design techniques utilizing 45nm RF-SOI technology: Complex neutralization for source-gate-driven cascode PA and a cascade-stacked PA architecture. The last paper introduces a novel asymmetric slotline-based series-parallel combiner implemented in 130nm SiGe BiCMOS technology, designing upper frequency bands up to 270GHz.

RMo4A-1: A D-Band Complex Neutralization Cascode Power Amplifier with A Source-Gate Driven Cascode for Enhanced Bandwidth and Efficiency
(15:40 - 16:00)
RMo4A-2: A D-Band Power Amplifier with Optimized Common-Mode Behaviour Achieving 32Gb/s in 22-nm FD-SOI
(16:00 - 16:20)
RMo4A-3: Phased-Array-Compatible Area-Efficient D-Band Power Amplifiers in 45 RF SOI Based on Cascade Stacking
(16:20 - 16:40)
RMo4A-4: A 15.7-dBm 164–270GHz Power Amplifier with Asymmetric Slotline-Based Series-Parallel Combiner in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology
(16:40 - 17:00)
Andreia Cathelin
Xiang Gao
Zhejiang Univ.

In this session, you will learn about 5 different CMOS frequency synthesis solutions that cover a range of frequencies from low-GHz to sub-THz. These solutions are particularly relevant for applications such as FMCW radars and the upcoming 5G to 6G communications. The papers proposing these solutions are highly innovative and offer valuable insights.

RMo4B-1: A 45-fsrms-Jitter, 144-to-162-GHz D-Band Frequency Synthesizer Using a Subsampling PLL and a Harmonic-Boosting Frequency Multiplier
(15:40 - 16:00)
RMo4B-2: A 37.2-fs, -254.6-dB FoM, 47.9-to-56.4GHz PLL Using Tightly Coupled Dual-Core VCO with Implicit 4th Harmonic Extraction Technique
(16:00 - 16:20)
RMo4B-3: A 74GHz–80GHz 1.2GHz/µs-Slope 20.9mW FMCW Synthesizer with TDC-Gain-Independent Loop-Bandwidth Employing a TDC-Offset-Free Type-II Digital PLL and a Linearized Hybrid-Tuning DCO
(16:20 - 16:40)
RMo4B-4: A 4.25GHz–8.45GHz 67%-Chirp-Fractional-Bandwidth -121.5dBc/Hz-PN@1MHz 88fs-Jitter FMCW Synthesizer with Bandwidth-Boosting and Phase-Noise-Cancellation Techniques
(16:40 - 17:00)
RMo4B-5: A 0.2-to-39.2GHz 66.2-fs Jitter and -71.3dBc Spur Sub-Sampling PLL Using DAC-Based Constant Control Voltage Compensator and Quad-Mode 2nd Harmonic Filtering Oscillator
(17:00 - 17:20)
Ahmed Elkholy
Sajjad Moazeni
Univ. of Washington

This session will present advanced wireline and localization systems. It includes a very wide bandwidth low distortion TIA for coherent optical communications. The second paper introduces an eye-opening monitor exploiting non-uniform sampling and quantization. The third paper presents a beamforming array with true-time delay for angle of arrival estimation. The last paper demonstrates a frequency-encrypted FMCW LiDAR using an electro-optical synthesizer.

RMo4C-1: Transimpedance Amplifiers with 95GHz Transimpedance Bandwidth and 1.5% THD for 800G Coherent Optical Communications
(15:40 - 16:00)
RMo4C-2: A 4–26Gbaud Configurable Multi-Mode Non-Uniform EOM with Improved Twin PI for High-Speed Wireline Communication Achieving 3-µs EW/EH Evaluation and 0.99-R² Accuracy
(16:00 - 16:20)
RMo4C-3: A 10ns Delay Range 1.5GHz BW True-Time-Delay Array-Based Passive-Active Signal Combiner with Negative-Cap Stabilized RAMP for Fast Precise Localization
(16:20 - 16:40)
RMo4C-4: An Electro-Optical Synthesizer to Generate Random Chirp Rates for Secure FMCW LiDAR Applications
(16:40 - 17:00)


Alexandre Siligaris
Travis M. Forbes
Sandia National Laboratories

This session highlights cutting-edge developments in cryogenic circuits and modeling in both CMOS and BiCMOS processes including a multicore VCO for bandwidth extension, a noise cancelling low-noise amplifier for low power consumption, and a multi-channel waveform generator for quantum applications. An experimental study on radiation effects on a Ka Band PLL showing phase noise effects is presented.

RTu1B-1: Broadband Noise Characterization of SiGe HBTs Down to 4K
(08:00 - 08:20)
RTu1B-2: A Fully Integrated Three-Channel Cryogenic Microwave SoC for Qubit State Control in ⁹Be+ Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer Operating at 4K
(08:20 - 08:40)
RTu1B-3: A Switchless Dual-Core Triple-Mode VCO Achieving 7.1-to-15.7GHz Frequency Tuning Range and 202.1dBc/Hz Peak FoM at 3.7 Kelvin
(08:40 - 09:00)
RTu1B-4: A 46.7-dB Gain 9.3-K Noise Temperature 5.8-mW Two-Fold Current Reuse Dual Noise-Canceling LNA in 28-nm CMOS for Qubit Readout
(09:00 - 09:20)
RTu1B-5: A Study of Total Dose Radiation Effects in Ka-Band Fractional-N PLLs in 45nm SiGe BiCMOS
(09:20 - 09:40)
Xun Luo
Zhiming Deng

In this session, advanced digital PA and TX systems for 5G-NR, Wifi-7, and IoT applications are developed. Firstly, a 16nm FinFET watt-level WiFi-7 all-digital polar TX using switched capacitor digital PA is introduced. Secondly, a SAW-less RF transmitter based on N-path switched-capacitor modulator is proposed for 5G-NR CIM3 cancellation. Thirdly, a high power quadrature complex domain Doherty PA using switched constant-current and symmetrical transformer is developed for deep PBO efficiency enhancement. Fourthly, a 5G FR2 n260/n259 phased-array transmitter front-end IC in 28nm CMOS FD-SOI is discussed. Finally, a sub-2.4GHz transceiver with reused matching network and duty-cycle controlled Class-E PA for medical band is proposed.

RTu1C-1: A Watt Level, 5–7GHz All Digital Polar TX Based on 3.3V Switched Capacitor Digital PA in 16nm Fin-FET for Wi-Fi7 Applications
(08:00 - 08:20)
RTu1C-2: A SAW-Less 3FLO-Suppression RF Transmitter with a Transformer-Based N-Path Switched-Capacitor Modulator Achieving -157.6dBc/Hz Output Noise and -61dBc CIM₃
(08:20 - 08:40)
RTu1C-3: A 32.3dBm Quadrature Complex Domain Doherty Power Amplifier Based on Switched Constant-Current and Symmetrical Transformer Achieving 21.6% Average Power-Added Efficiency
(08:40 - 09:00)
RTu1C-4: A 5G FR2 n260/n259 Phased-Array Transmitter Front-End IC in 28-nm CMOS FD-SOI with 3-Stack Power Amplifier Employing OPA-Based Bias Scheme and Cross-Tied Inductor Topology
(09:00 - 09:20)
RTu1C-5: A 0.48mm² Sub-2.4GHz Transceiver with Reused Matching Network and Duty-Cycle Controlled Class-E PA for Medical Band
(09:20 - 09:40)


Minoru Fujishima
Hiroshima Univ.
Shahriar Shahramian
Nokia Bell Labs

This session will showcase cutting-edge innovations in silicon technology for wireless applications in D-band and beyond: system-in-package for 112.64Gb/s channel aggregation; 210–250GHz with integrated bow-tie antenna sliding-IF transceivers, dual ultra-wideband receivers, and scalable 128-channel phased arrays for dual-polarization MIMO communications are among the highlights.

RTu2B-1: A 210-to-250GHz Sliding-IF Frequency-Interleaved Transceiver with On-Chip Bow-Tie Antenna and 4th-Order FIR-Embedded Digital Modulator
(10:10 - 10:30)
RTu2B-2: A 2×40Gb/s Ultra-Wideband 131–173GHz Dual Receiver for Point-to-Point Communication Systems with NF of 5.7dB in RFSOI
(10:30 - 10:50)
RTu2B-3: A 112.64-Gb/s CMOS D-Band Channel-Aggregation RX System-in-Package
(10:50 - 11:10)
RTu2B-4: A D-Band Scalable 128-Channel Dual-Polarized Receive Phased-Array with On-Chip Down Converters for 2×2 MIMO Achieving 2×42Gbps
(11:10 - 11:30)
Tolga Dinc
Texas Instruments
Aritra Banerjee
Univ. of Illinois at Chicago

This session covers PA developments in 2–40GHz range for SATCOM and other applications in CMOS, SiGe and GaN. The first paper presents a Q-band PA utilizing edge coupled-line impedance inverting balun. The next two papers cover Ku-band PAs in CMOS and SiGe with transformer area reduction techniques. The fourth paper presents an analog predistortion linearizer for a K-Band PA. The final paper demonstrates a wideband 2–18GHz GaN reconfigurable nonuniform distributed PA.

RTu2C-1: An Efficient, High Power Q-Band SiGe HBT Power Amplifier with a Compact Four-Way Wilkinson Power Combiner Balun for Emerging Very Low-Earth-Orbit SATCOM
(10:10 - 10:30)
RTu2C-2: A Compact, Highly Linear Ku-Band SiGe HBT Power Amplifier Using Shared Single Center-Tap Four-Way Output Transformer Balun for Emerging Low Earth Orbit SATCOM Phased-Array Transmitter
(10:30 - 10:50)
RTu2C-3: An Efficient Ku-Band Two-Way Vertical-Like Power-Combining Power Amplifier Using Merged Inter-Stage Transformers Achieving 23–23.4dBm Psat and 45.2–46.6% Peak PAE in 65nm CMOS
(10:50 - 11:10)
RTu2C-4: A K-Band CMOS Power Amplifier Using an Analog Predistortion Linearizer with 22.1dBm Psat and 0.9° AM-PM Distortion
(11:10 - 11:30)
RTu2C-5: A 2–18GHz Frequency Reconfigurable Nonuniform Distributed Power Amplifier with 13.3W Average Power and 39% Average Efficiency
(11:30 - 11:50)


Tong Zhang
Hsieh-Hung Hsieh

With the emerging RF applications of 5G and beyond 5G (B5G), it is desired to enable silicon-based RF front-end circuits for low-cost and high-level integration. In this session, RF front-end circuits including low-noise amplifiers and mixers in CMOS and SOI technologies are presented. The design techniques for wideband or multi-band operations are discussed and demonstrated, as well as the performance enhancement in terms of DC power reduction and noise minimization.

RTu3B-1: A 4.4-mW 19–46-GHz Low-Noise Amplifier with Pole-Converging Gain Flattening and Triple-Resonance Input Matching
(13:30 - 13:50)
RTu3B-2: A Compact 28/39GHz Dual-Band Concurrent/Band-Switching LNA for 5G Multi-Band Multi-Stream Applications
(13:50 - 14:10)
RTu3B-3: A High-Gain D-Band LNA with Compact Gm-Boosting Core Based on Slow-Wave Feedback Achieving 6.1dB NF in 40nm CMOS
(14:10 - 14:30)
RTu3B-4: A Multi-Band and High-IRR Down-Conversion Mixer for 5G NR FR2 Using Compact Transformer-Based Mutual-Image-Rejection Filter
(14:30 - 14:50)
RTu3B-5: A Compact Ultra-High-Linearity 7-to-20GHz Passive Mixer Achieving up to 37dBm IIP3 and 25.1dBm IP1dB in 45nm CMOS SOI
(14:50 - 15:10)
Vadim Issakov
Technische Univ. Braunschweig
Mona M. Hella
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

This session presents the latest development in D-band and THz transmitters. The first two papers present THz transmitters. The next three papers present D/F-Band transmitters all in CMOS technology with competitive data rates.

RTu3C-1: A 360GHz Single-Element Multi-Mode Orbital Angular Momentum Cavity Antenna-Based Transmitter in 90nm SiGe BiCMOS
(13:30 - 13:50)
RTu3C-2: A 300-GHz-Band 40-Gb/s 2D Phased-Array CMOS Transmitter with Near-Half-Wave Antenna Pitch
(13:50 - 14:10)
RTu3C-3: A 110-to-170-GHz OOK Transmitter with 40-Gb/s Data Rate and 40-dB On-Off Ratio in 28-nm CMOS
(14:10 - 14:30)
RTu3C-4: A CMOS Fully Integrated 120-Gbps RF-64QAM F-Band Transmitter with an On-Chip Antenna for 6G Wireless Communication
(14:30 - 14:50)
RTu3C-5: A 56Gb/s Zero-IF D-Band Transmitter for a Beamformer in 22nm FD-SOI
(14:50 - 15:10)


Raja Pullela
Vito Giannini

This session explores innovative circuit techniques and system applications at mm-wave and higher frequencies. The first paper discusses circuit techniques aimed at achieving wide-band performance in FMCW radars. The second paper outlines a circuit technique that achieves outstanding on/off modulation ratio in a 200GHz radar transmitter. The subsequent paper describes a radiometer that achieves the highest-frequency radiometer in an integrated silicon-based solution at 280GHz. The session concludes with a DAC-based cancellation scheme to attenuate spillover in radars utilized in automotive applications.

RTu4B-1: A 90–98-GHz FMCW Radar Transceiver Supporting Broadband Modulation in 65nm CMOS
(15:40 - 16:00)
RTu4B-2: A 200-GHz Modulable Transceiver With 35-dB TX ON/OFF Isolation and 16Gb/s Code Rate for MIMO Radar in 130nm SiGe Process
(16:00 - 16:20)
RTu4B-3: An On-Chip Antenna-Coupled Preamplified D-Band to J-Band Total Power Radiometer Chip in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology
(16:20 - 16:40)
RTu4B-4: An E-Band FMCW Radar Receiver Achieving 38dB Cancellation for Arbitrary-Path Spillover Up to -10dBm and 5.7dB NF in 65nm CMOS
(16:40 - 17:00)
Teerachot Siriburanon
Univ. College Dublin
Rocco Tam
NXP Semiconductors

This session presents circuit building blocks operating in the 100–200GHz frequency range. The first paper proposes a high output power, energy-efficient Gilbert-cell-based frequency doubler with 25% duty cycle technique using 55nm BiCMOS. The second paper presents a 120GHz passive subharmonic mixer with multiphase LO distribution in 28nm CMOS. The third paper proposes a wideband 200GHz LNA which leverages the use of an active balun input stage in 16nm FinFET. The session ends with a D-band bidirectional common-gate amplifier with current-reuse technique in 45nm RFSOI.

RTu4C-1: 110–170GHz 25% Duty-Cycle Gilbert-Cell Frequency Doubler with 6.5dBm Peak Output Power in BiCMOS 55nm Technology
(15:40 - 16:00)
RTu4C-2: A Low Conversion Loss 120GHz Passive IQ Down-Conversion Subharmonic Mixer with Multiphase LO Distribution in 28nm CMOS
(16:00 - 16:20)
RTu4C-3: A 200GHz Wideband and Compact Differential LNA Leveraging an Active Balun Input Stage in 16nm FinFET Technology
(16:20 - 16:40)
RTu4C-4: A D-Band Bi-Directional Current-Reuse Common-Gate Amplifier in 45nm RFSOI
(16:40 - 17:00)