Hazal Yüksel

Hazal Yüksel, ASIC Engineer, X, the moonshot factory 

I AM .... an ASIC Engineer


What made you want to work in this industry?
I always enjoyed understanding how things work, and during my PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, I got so much exposure to incredible technology. It motivated me to pursue the building and understanding of complex systems. My time at Cornell University was pretty valuable - I worked on tunable radios and that really opened up a new world. I now work on optical communications, which is slightly different, but extremely rewarding.

What is your favorite part of your job?
I am more on the ASIC side of RF design, but I really enjoy how many disparate skills you get to combine in my industry. Whether that is electromagnetics, PCB design, IC design, or DSP, it's all important and you really do need to understand such a breadth of topics to be a really successful RF designer.

What are you most excited about for IMS2025?
I love being on the exhibition floor. Every year, I get so excited to see what new things people are working on, and interacting with people over all the cool demos. It is fascinating to see the progress year after year.