Your search produced 886 results

We2C: Novel Techniques for Power Amplifiers
This session includes novel techniques to improve the performance of different power amplifier topologies in the 1GHz – 15GHz frequency band. Techniques for both narrow band and broadband will be pres...
We2D: Advances in Multichannel and Distributed Radar Systems
Distributed and multichannel radar systems have received significant attention in recent years owing to their ability to improve angular resolution and discrimination capabilities compared to traditio...
We2E: Additive Manufacturing Technologies and Applications
This session will discuss recent advances in additive manufacturing for RF and mm-wave applications. Presented topics will include 3D components and modules as well as novel material integration and 3...
We2F: Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems for Space and Communication Applications
The session addresses mixed-signal circuits and systems applied to ground penetrating radars to analyze sub-surfaces of planetary bodies, radio astronomy circuits for self-calibration, radiation-harde...
We2G: Emerging Design Methodologies for Next-Generation Low-Loss Couplers Enabling Highly Integrated Chipsets
Couplers are one of the most important microwave passive components and thus are ubiquitous in balanced amplifiers, mixers, and beam-forming networks for antenna arrays. This session presents the rece...
We2H: Power Amplifier Performance Improvement Techniques
This session reports on recent advances in RF power amplifier linearity and efficiency enhancement techniques.
We2I: Design and Characterization of Novel Microwave/mm-Wave Structures
This session will feature the design of novel microwave/mm-wave waveguide-based components and metasurfaces and the advanced characterization of thermal and twisting effects in dielectric waveguides f...
WEMA4: Utilizing Real World Signal in Simulation
The complex modulation schemes and increased bandwidth of some 5G signals requires analysis with Real World signals and not artificial simulation envelops or multi-tone analysis to understand circuit ...
WEMA5: COTS, Low-Cost Space Qualified Microwave Components
The increased number of satellite launches and shorter satellite development cycles are necessitating microwave component suppliers to offer space-qualified components with shorter turnaround times an...
WEMA6: Active Emissivity Correction In Millimeter-Wave Radiometric Temperature Sensors
Millimeter-wave radiometric receivers are often used to determine the temperature or emissivity of an object by measuring its radiated noise power over a wide bandwidth. The non-contact technique offe...