Your search produced 886 results

WSA: Addressing Microwave Measurement and Engineering Challenges in Realising Practical Quantum Computers
The growing field of quantum computing relies on a broad range of microwave technologies and has spurred development of microwave devices and methods in new operating regimes. But despite the signific...
WSO: Linearity and Efficiency Challenges in Wide Modulation Bandwidth Power Amplifier Design
The rapid increase in data throughput in recent 5G (FR1 and FR2), Wi-Fi (6E and 7), and 6G (FR3 in the near future) requires high-efficiency, linear and wideband RF power amplifiers. However, it is ex...
WSP: mm-Wave and Sub-THz Broadband Phased Array FE for Communication and Sensing
With technological advancement, the spectrum of possibilities within the realms of communication and sensing is expanding astonishingly. One of the most exciting frontiers in this domain is the utiliz...
WSL: From Waves to Insights: AI/ML Techniques for Wireless Communications and Radar
Algorithms and processing pipelines based on Artificial-Intelligence (AI) and Machine-Learning (ML) techniques are on a solid trajectory to become an integral part of the next generation of wireless s...
WSM: Future of Chiplet Technology and 3D Heterogeneous Integration
As the Moore’s law is coming to an end, separating large systems into smaller chips based on their functionality is not only a cost-benefit solution but it allows the complex system to expan...
WSI: From Prototype to Product: Overcoming Productization Challenges
Are you a student or a professional researcher seeking insights into the process of productizing ideas? Perhaps you are an experienced designer keen on understanding how fellow professionals have surm...
WSK: Flexible Arrays as the Next Frontier in Wireless Communications
With global networking data traffic predicted to reach petabytes in the next few years, mm-wave wireless communications enabled by silicon-based phased arrays is poised as a game-changer for new infra...
WSG: Digital Intensive Transmitters From RF to mm-Wave: Empowering Intelligent and High Data-Rate Wireless Communication
Advanced CMOS technologies enable direct bits-to-RF conversion, which provides higher energy-efficiency and more compact die area, especially for sub-7GHz. Meanwhile, such digital intensive transmitte...
WMB: Recent Advances in High-Voltage RF Switches
High-voltage, linear RF switches are extensively demanded in a wide variety of applications, ranging from high-volume, cost-efficient cellular handsets to performance-centric and high-reliability auto...
WMA: Acoustic Wave Resonators and Filters Based on Advanced Functional Materials
The complexity of the requirements in advanced 5G and forthcoming scenarios has a direct impact on the design of acoustic wave filters. Latest developments have pushed acoustic technology to an unprec...