Your search produced 886 results

WML: Quantum Circuits, Methods, and Algorithms in Microwave Engineering
The recent demonstration of quantum supremacy with superconducting quantum computers has triggered researchers all over the world to work towards improved superconducting microwave devices, as well as...
WMH: Efficient and Linear Power Amplifier Design for Wideband Signals: Still an Art?
The system performance of wireless transmitters depends heavily on the behavior of RF power amplifiers (PA). To satisfy the increasing demand for higher data rates, modern communications standards ado...
WMF: On-Wafer mm-Wave Load-Pull for Beyond-5G Microelectronics Characterization
Microelectronics operating in the mm-wave frequency regime have gained considerable attention for numerous applications including beyond-5G communications, satellite communications, and G-band radar f...
WMC: Radio Spectrum for Microwave Practitioners
This workshop will discuss radio spectrum usage from the view of a microwave practitioner. The basics of wireless spectrum allocation and regulation will be discussed. Presentations will describe the ...
WME: Latest Trends in Cost-Effective IC Integration, IPDs and Interposer Technologies for Sub-6GHz to Sub-THz Wireless Applications
The realization of advanced front-end modules (FEM) for mobile applications, whether below 6GHz and definitely at mm-wave, and their packaging, pose daunting design challenges to fit significant elect...
WMN: Massively Distributed MIMO as the New Paradigm in 6G — Implementation Challenges and Opportunities
Large-scale distributed or cell-free MIMO is the next step of the wireless evolution beyond 5G and massive MIMO. The main idea is to utilize a very large number of distributed, low-cost and low-power ...
WMJ: Chipletization, Heterogeneous Integration, and Advanced Packaging Solutions for mm-Wave and Sub-THz Applications
In this workshop, we will deeply explore high-frequency technologies, emphasizing the synergy between chipletization, heterogeneous integration, and advanced interconnect solutions for mm-wave and sub...
WMK: Enabling Long Life of Zero-Power IoT Devices Through Wireless Power Transmission
Ultra-low-power devices which are pervasive in the IoT world depend on energy autonomy to perform seamlessly their sensing and communication tasks. The wireless provision of power is an appropriate so...
PL1: Meeting IEEE Division IV Society Presidents
This panel session offers a chance to engage in dialogue with the Presidents of IEEE Societies within IEEE Division IV "Electromagnetics and Radiation." Given their shared research domains, ...
PL2: RF and Microwave League of Champions
Rather than a traditional panel, the RF and Microwave League of Champions will be a quiz show pitting a team of academics against a team of industry veterans to answer technical riddles sourc...