Your search produced 886 results

IWTH1: Machine Learning (ML) and Analysis Advancements Embedded in a Complete High-Frequency Design Flow
Simulation, DRC, LVS, ERC, EM, PI, Thermal, Minimal Routing, Performance, Price, and Manufacturability all complicate and restrict design space. Increasing design and system complexity require designe...
Th1B: Advances in CAD Techniques for RF and Microwave Circuits and Systems
This session features a variety of contributions on the topics of artificial neural networks, innovative knowledge transfer approaches, non-linear behavioral modeling and design of power amplifiers an...
Th1C: Advanced mm-Wave Power Amplifiers for Ka- to E-Band Applications
This session focuses on mm-wave power amplifiers operating between Ka-band and E-band. The first paper describes a GaN V/E-band distributed PA with greater than 1W output power. The second paper discu...
Th1D: Low-Noise Cryogenic Integrated Circuits for Quantum Computing
This session focuses on Qubit readout low-noise cryogenic amplifiers and receivers manufactured in CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS technologies. The first paper discusses a novel GM boosted LNA topology. This is...
Th1E: Material Sensing at Microwave and mm-Wave Frequencies
Advances in material sensing and characterization techniques from S to W frequency bands are presented. Instruments based on resonators, planar transmission lines, and free-space radar are discussed.
Th1F: Insights on Vital-Sign Radars
Remote sensing of human vital-signs such as heartbeat or respiratory rate will become increasingly important in an aging society. This session will present interesting radar concepts tailored to these...
Th1G: Who Needs Contact? Developments in OTA Measurements- Joint Session with ARFTG
This joint IMS/ARFTG session will take you through advances in the field of OTA characterization. The papers range from quasi-optical techniques to mitigation of alignment errors, built-in test for EI...
Th1H: Advances in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, Antennas, and Beamformers
This session showcases five papers in the area of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS), antennas, and beamformers. The first paper presents an 8GHz 32×32-element RIS to enhance non-line-of-sight ...
Th1I: Device and Integration Technology for RF through mm-Wave
This session features discussions of advances in process technology for III-V on Si HBTs, low-loss SOI substrate processing, and GaN-on-Silicon power devices.
THMA1: Bandwidth Trades in Passive Microwave Components
The operating bandwidth of distributed passive microwave components, such as power dividers and couplers, is dependent on the number of transformer sections in the design, and other details. There are...