Your search produced 886 results

This talk will discuss a novel tile-based approach to constructing, in a modular fashion, massively scalable MIMO and phased arrays for 5G/B5G mm-wave smart skins and large-area reconfigurable intelli...
This paper presents a novel design approach to enhance the performance of the Peaking branch of a Doherty Power Amplifier (DPA), by properly manipulating its input harmonics through a suitable nonline...
We present a novel broadband power amplifier (PA) architecture designed to achieve both high output power and a compact chip size in CMOS. This architecture features a dual-core drive stage and a comp...
We report a novel power splitting scheme for multi-mode dual-input power amplifier at sub-6GHz. The main novelty is the use of a sigmoid function to enable multi-mode load modulation over a wide frequ...
This paper reports a novel high-power frequency-division duplex (FDD) front-end based on indirect-duplexing load modulated balanced amplifier (LMBA) with integrated bulk acoustic wave (BAW) filters, s...
Over the past decades, significant advance in signal processing technologies has multiplied the data traffic capacity by more than 10,000 times higher for both wireless and optical communications. To ...