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With the massive number of wireless devices in everything around us with the expansion of IoT, wireless blockers are becoming more dense across the frequency spectrum. This workshop contribution will ...
Designing high-power amplifiers has become an enormous challenge over the years. On the one hand, with such operation modes as multi-band and carrier aggregation, the required bandwidth has been conti...
Emerging electronic systems require the dense integration of many chiplets in either 2D or 3D form. The metrics for these systems will be dictated by power, performance, form factor, cost, and reliabi...
This talk discusses design and integration considerations of a scalable 24–30GHz 256-element phased array antenna module consisting of four 64-element tiles. This phased array module employs a heterog...
In the last years, the increasing demand for ever higher data rates in wireless communication has exposed the limits of current sub-6GHz communication systems and pushed the technology towards the exp...
Moving to mm-wave frequencies allowed us to implement a full radar system on a chip including its antennas. Designing antennas on the package of the IC, for mm-wave applications, poses a series of cha...
This talk will provide an overview of recent advances in WPT solutions for electronics on mobile platforms. Case studies will be provided underlining the importance of wireless power technologies in c...
Flexible and printable electronics are an emerging platform for user-centric applications which will be enabled by wireless power. While these materials are not optimal for RF performance, this talk w...
Quick energy-on-demand is needed in energy-starved environments where eg no light or other source is present. We are developing scalable foldable rectifier arrays that can be powered from a temporary ...
In this workshop, we review recent advances in low-power wireless data transceivers, wireless power delivery systems, and circuit/antenna co-design techniques. We discuss the opportunities offered by ...