Your search produced 886 results

This work proposes a robust algorithm to find the optimal driving signals of dual-input single-output Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers with minimal prior knowledge of the PA; while maintaining a safe ...
In this work, a novel tri-branch analog pre-distortion linearizer that compensates for the gain inflection within a Doherty power amplifier (DPAs) is presented (DAPD). This circuit features two non-li...
This paper presents a simple design method for reducing the distortion from large positive phase slopes observed in supply modulated GaN PAs, while keeping the gain magnitude flat. The proposed method...
Attendees will discuss topics of interest to them in attending the workshop, as well as spectrum needs and challenges they would like to see addressed by the speakers and discussed among attendees.
This paper presents the synthesis of underdetermined filter topologies incorporating nonresonating nodes (NRN), which have an infinite number of solutions. To fit the physical constraints and fabricat...
In this work, a circuit model extraction method for coupled-resonator diplexers with a common resonator junction is proposed and verified by tuning a high-order diplexer product. The entire extraction...
In the paper, a novel wideband three-dimensional polarization-rotating spatial filter (3-D PRSF) is proposed by utilizing a slotline–microstrip–slotline coupling scheme, capable of rotating a linearly...
By treating Frequency Dependent Couplings (FDC) as a unique element, this paper presents an analytical synthesis and implementation approach using a circuit-based method. The derived prototype can rea...
This work presents a general synthesis and design framework for a monoblock antenna-loaded filter (ALF) module. The filter network is synthesized with full consideration of the antenna characteristics...
A basic overview of the electromagnetic spectrum, interference, governing bodies, and practices is presented.