Your search produced 886 results

One way for microwave practitioners to extend spectrum usage is through the design of effective mm-wave devices, including amplifiers, filters, and mixers. This presentation discusses mm-wave design i...
A perennial challenge in power amplifier (PA) designs is to provide wideband efficiency (peak and backoff) and compactness at the same time to enable next-generation wireless communication and sensing...
Reconfigurable circuitry is a key microwave enabler of adaptive spectrum usage. Using the spectrum adaptively will allow more devices to effectively use the finite available spectrum resource. This pr...
This paper reports on a new class of a multifunctional bandpass filter (BPF) that can be reconfigured to exhibit: i) continuously-tunable attenuation levels in its passband performing the function of ...
Modern smart phones operate in multiple frequency bands typically in the range of 0.7GHz to 3.6GHz using multiple antennas for MIMO operation. Antenna operation is usually achieved by coupling structu...
Electro-optic field measurement systems can be operated in the frequency domain for the purpose of near-field scanning or in the time domain for waveform detection and tracking. This talk will present...
This contribution presents the measurement strategy to accurately characterize probe-fed high-gain antennas operating in the sub-THz band. First, a near-field technique employing a quasi-optical syste...
Transmit power control by calibrating the on-chip power detectors in millimeter-wave phased array beamforming ICs, especially in the mobile-class is challenging due to the variation of the antenna loa...
An electromagnetic jet operating at 30 GHz is examined in this article to detect, image, and characterize a material with high precision. First, we show the jet’s characteristics, such as the high int...
We evaluate the current approaches to on-wafer calibration and device characterization and expose their limitations as we traverse through the millimeter-wave frequency bands. Through comparative stud...