Your search produced 886 results

On-wafer calibrations are critical for measurements of embedded devices at the correct reference planes. A major challenge in on-wafer calibrations is the development of accurate calibrations that cov...
This paper delves into the precise on-wafer measurement of the noise figure (NF) of active circuits operating at millimetre-wave and sub-Terahertz frequencies. The focus lies on addressing the inheren...
For the past 150 years, a switch is the original and most basic building block of all electrical systems, and for the past few decades many have sought to miniaturize and scale this fundamental electr...
The additive/residual phase noise of power amplifiers or multipliers adds noise in the signal path. For example for automotive RADAR sensors at 80 GHz designers of RADAR applications require the added...
A flexible physical layer is demonstrated that uses microwave photonics to achieve wideband frequency hopping of a commercial off the shelf radio link. The proposed approach does not require any modif...
We present a new method for designing embedded wideband attenuators and equalizers utilizing thin-film resistor foil on printed circuit boards (PCBs). Our design is flexible and enables the realizatio...
Today, nearly all integrated RF switches are based on RF-SOI technology. The high resistivity characteristic of the handle silicon substrate and the developed passivation techniques, such the trap-ric...
This presentation will cover the development of innovative circuits using new phase-change materials for microwave applications. The presentation will start with our recent works on optimized PCM swit...
A 2×2 D-band phased array Tx module is designed in 22-nm CMOS FDSOI. The module fully integrates the D-band signal generation, beamforming and antenna coupling structures. The modules’ on-chip PAs ape...
A beamforming front-end-module (FEM) utilizing dual-band, self-diplexing antennas is presented for possible Satellite Communication (SATCOM) applications. The FEM includes an LNA, a PA and phase shift...