Your search produced 886 results

By enabling the integration of millions of micro-scale optical components on compact millimeter-scale computer chips, silicon photonics is positioned to enable next-generation optical technologies tha...
IoT dealt with smart machines communicating data to each other, and was enabled by advances in semiconductor technology, WiFi and cloud computing. It enabled the control and remote operation of static...
This talk discusses the enhancements in radars, LiDARs, GNSS, IMU, Ultrasonics, Microphones and in-cabin sensing necessary for the higher levels of autonomy on consumer vehicles. It focuses on technol...
Not only have pedestrian injuries and deaths been rising for years but the systems now installed on automobiles intended to protect pedestrians, fail to work at night when more than 76% of the fatalit...
New regulations don't often match the speed of technological innovation, nor should they! The balance between maintaining public safety and empowering innovation is a fine line, and one that is ...
Panel Discussion on Sensing Modalities and Autonomy
This presentation will summarize Airbus’ vision about the usage of wireless power transfer, eg to create an energy network from the sky and will showcase recent advances on first wireless power transf...
The realisation of GW-scale Space Based Solar Power for the provision of limitless clean energy to Earth through wireless power transfer, requires large-scale transportation of materials to Earth orbi...
The rapid electrification of modern systems, ranging from distributed sensing and intelligent mobile robotics to electric vehicles and renewable grid integration, has reinvigorated research in softwar...
QUB will present recent results from the “CASSIOPeiA Antenna with Steering Scaled Indoor Experiments” (CASSIE) project which has recently commenced in collaboration with Satellite Applications Catapul...