Your search produced 886 results

This tutorial will discuss design and integration considerations of scalable phased array antenna modules, especially in the context of mm-wave 5G systems. The talk will cover technical challenges tha...
Radio base stations for mobile communication employ specialized power amplifiers and linearization techniques to enhance energy efficiency and to suppress unwanted emission. This presentation reviews ...
This tutorial describes the challenges and solutions associated with the design of ICs, antennas, packages, and arrays, for single-beam and MIMO transceivers at 140, 200, and 280GHz.
Owing to the large propagation losses at mm-wave, multi-antenna systems are needed for improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and link quality. However, the resulting narrow-pointed beams necessitate fa...
The rapid evolution of wireless communication systems demands the development of advanced technologies to support the increasing demand for high data rates, low latency and high reliability. This tuto...
The number of antenna elements in phased arrays in 5G base stations has been rapidly increasing, as well as the number of Power Amplifiers (PAs) and Phase Shifters (PSs) connected to each antenna elem...
This tutorial discusses the proliferation of mm-wave communication systems with particular focus on E-band and D-band systems. Although near-THz device demonstrations appear to be commonplace, mass de...
This talk discusses in a systematic way the challenges and system-level aspects related to integrated circuits for miniaturization of a trapped ion quantum computer. First, system level aspects and ph...
Large-scale superconducting quantum computing systems entail high-fidelity control and readout of large numbers of qubits at millikelvin temperatures, resulting in a massive input-output bottleneck. C...
Quantum computers promise to ignite the next technological revolution as the classical computer did for last century’s digital revolution by efficiently solving problems that are intractable by today’...