Your search produced 886 results

Microwave impedance microscopy (MIM) is a powerful scanning probe technique that allows non-contact characterization of local complex permittivity or electric potential at GHz frequencies with minimal...
This article presents the implementation of a near-field magnetic microwave microscope integrated into a cryostat with a base temperature of 3.6 K. The probe of the microwave microscope is a magnetic ...
This article introduces a novel approach to achieve efficient atmospheric-pressure plasma jets by incorporating a 3-D Split Ring Resonator (SRR) embedded in enclosed walls to form a cavity. The SRR co...
Simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR) is an emerging MRI technology that enables the continuous SWIFT pulse sequence to be used for imaging short T2 tissues. By joining this technology with wearabl...
One of the primary concerns regarding Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMDs) inside human body during MRI scans is the device’s ability to withstand the total induced energy from an MRI system. En...
This paper presents a biosensor firstly developed to perform microwave dielectric spectroscopy (MDS) analysis, which is evaluated for in situ electroporation (EP) at the single cell level. After demon...
This paper presents a method for cancelling external interference in a passive medical sensor for internal body temperature measurements. In microwave thermometry, a radiometric receiver measures the ...
Satellite communication payloads predominantly use Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTAs) in preference to Solid-State Amplifiers (SSPAs) as the final-stage amplifier in space-to-ground transmitters. ...
The past several decades have seen continuous development and steady improvement in the operational capabilities of vacuum electron devices (VEDs) for radar applications. Recent progress and advances ...
High-power solid-state RF technology has historically been used at the radiating-element level in active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radars with element power combined spatially in front of th...