Your search produced 886 results

In Korea, two research institutes are preparing for the long-term goal of the SBSP system. KERI developed a 4.8kW Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) system tracking a moving target 50m ahead in real-ti...
Digital transmitters (DTXs) have rapidly gained momentum as they supplant the functionality of the traditional TXs with RF digital-to-analog converters (RF-DACs). DTXs offer natural compatibility with...
A key challenge in realizing a large-scale fault tolerant computer is in the design of a scalable control electronics approach to operate future quantum processors. The application requires the genera...
Quantum computing is a paradigm that has the potential to transform problems that are computationally intractable today into solvable problems in the future. Achieving quantum computer realizations at...
The milestones of superconducting quantum processors predict an exponential growth in the number of physical qubits. However, there has been no clear answer to how to build the electronic system that ...
This presentation will introduce the design and evaluation of cryogenic CMOS mixed-signal circuits with a focus on high-speed AD converters. Challenges and solution techniques for cryogenic operation ...
Cartesian transmitters have been dominant in integrated transmitter design for more than 30 years, however for more than a decade RF-DACs have demonstrated the ability to combine the functionality of ...
Power amplifier design typically relies on passive matching networks synthesized in the frequency domain to provide the best harmonic terminations to the transistors. This approach intrinsically assum...
In this paper, we demonstrate RF signal processing utilizing silicon photonic integrated circuits (PICs). We demonstrate the ability to perform beamspace processing or spatial Fourier Transforms in a ...
We report for the first time to the best of our knowledge experimental results of ±20° steering angle of a 210 GHz beam emitter from a 1×4 planar antenna photodiode array coupled through a 1×4 dielect...