Your search produced 886 results

This paper presents a 1-bit digital radio-over-fiber (RoF) system for both downlink and uplink for the first time. The system adopts hybrid architecture with outphasing modulation at IF for downlink a...
Sub-6GHz multi-standard wireless communication provides users with multi-functionality and unprecedented wireless connectivity. With CMOS process scaling down, digital transceiver architecture aligns ...
Digitally-modulated polar transmitters at mm-wave frequencies were shown to bring an efficiency advantage compared to linear PAs. In this presentation, we go over the system analysis and key optimizat...
Generation of mmWave radio frequency signals along with the associated modulated data at the antenna site through optical methods offers benefits of frequency agility, ease of frequency scaling and re...
There is growing interest in frequencies in the vicinity of 100 GHz due to the continual evolution of wireless communications towards higher capacity. Within this frequency range, networks can support...
Optical wireless access networks with ultra-broadband capability have been demonstrated with functions such as user mobility, user localization, beam steering, and dynamic networking. This paper prese...
The combined approach of spectrally efficient analog radio-over-fiber (A-RoF) fronthauling and the compatible optical heterodyning technique provides an efficient solution for the simultaneous generat...
There are increasing interests in wideband and flexible waveform synthesis in modern communication systems. The key enabler in such a digital transmitter is a RF digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Thi...
We present a novel packaging solution for 140 GHz InP power amplifier (PA) integration using an advanced die-embedded glass substrate. This marks the first functional demonstration of a die-embedded g...
Commercially available, low-cost radar transceivers tend to integrate all radio frequency (RF) components including the antennas, thus omitting an accessible RF interface. This limits their use for ap...