Your search produced 886 results

The way beamforming is implemented in phased array systems is strongly dependent on the system requirements, on the moment-in-time, on the frequency, on the manufacturing volume etc. This talk will ad...
High-power microwaves (HPMs) are directed energy technologies that radiate electromagnetic energy. This presentation will provide an overview of HPM sources and waveforms. Requirements and challenges ...
Planar phased array beamforming at mm-wave frequencies requires a small footprint for the multi-channel beamformer ICs driving multiple antenna elements due to commonly employed λ/2 antenna lattice sp...
Advanced node CMOS processes have enabled high-function density and operational frequencies of mixed-signal designs. In particular, analog to digital and digital to analog converters have radically ev...
Modern RFICs can no longer be designed in absentia of the package they will go into, as each influences the other. In this talk, we will discuss integrated flows for IC/package co-design that minimize...
A common model throughout microelectronics is to have groups dedicated to the pursuit of R&D. In the defense market, those groups partner with government agencies such as DARPA to come up with...
This talk will cover the mm-wave packaging activities within IMEC’s Advanced-RF department. First, we present an RF-optimized waferscale silicon interposer technology for integration of III-V power am...
With increasing numbers of applications working at higher frequencies such as 5G and 6G communication modules or automotive radars, the need for packaging technologies at lower cost and higher manufac...
The work presents an overview on the ongoing heterointegration work at FBH. It focuses on the heterintegration of InP-based G- and D-band circuits with CMOS and BiCMOS technologies. The talk will high...
Heterogeneous integration is a must for future mm-wave, sub-THz communication systems: there is fierce competition to develop components and systems with high data communication bandwidth. Many techni...